Improvements of the Simulation of Ideal Braoclinic Instability Wave by a Fidelity Scheme of Physical Conserving Laws
The baroclinic instability is one of the most basic and important mechanisms of the atmosphere dynamics. Extensive attentions have been paid on the ability of numerical methods to describe the development of baroclinic instability. Using the ideal baroclinic instability test provided by Jablonowski\|Williamson, and the results of the traditional global spectral semi\|implicit model with that of the new type of total energy conserving semi\|implicit fidelity model are compared. The results indicate that the Fidelity model ameliorate the delay of wave evolvement in traditional model, meanwhile, improve the intensity of the baroclinic wave. Further research on the budget of eddy kinetic energy shows that the occurrence and intensity of the baroclinic instability are directly related to the characteristics of the energy conversion. The rate of the energy conversion (especially the baroclinic conversion) which is described by the physical conserving laws of the Fidelity model is dramatically enhanced. Thereby, the improvements on the intensity of baroclinic wave and the feature related to mesoscale are obtained.
issued by <<Plateau Meteorology>>