Impact Factors to Formation and Distribution of Sand Dunes in Zoige Basin
Impact factors in formation and distribution of sand dunes in Zoige Basin are analyzed based on remote sensing data, DEM data,meteorological data and sand samples. Dunes formation and distribution is the result of coupling of sand source, wind force and suitable place. Sand dunes were distributed on valley and low hill slope. Modern river alluvium and ancient lake and river alluvium are the main sand sources. The sorting of sand particles becomes better and median diameter of sand particles grows smaller as sand dunes run way in removal on the lee. Sand dunes reduce as altitude or slope increases. Riverine dunes were mostly distributed on the flat and very flat slope and were almost averagely distributed on every aspect. Hill dunes were distributed on the flat, slanting slope and were mostly distributed on the leeward slope.
Aspect characteristics of r iver ine dunes in Zoige Basin (Picture/Journal of Desert Research) |
Climate char acter istics of Zoige Basin (Picture/Journal of Desert Research) |