Research Progress

The Effect of Climate Change on Wind-water Complex Erosion Region



The wind-water complex erosion region is a sensitive part of agro-pasture interlocked zone in northern China, and has significant response to global climate change. The concept and geographical scope of the wind-water complex erosion region have been defined through on-the-spot investigation and meteorological data analysis. In the wind-water complex erosion region, wind and water have combined action, and ecological environment there is vulnerable. Therefore, the diverse weather and erosion forces give rise to soil erosion and desertification, which are serious in the wind-water complex erosion region. It has also developed unique geomorphologic landscape. The boundary of wind-water complex erosion region is influenced by precipitation and it exhibits a characteristic of north-south direction swing. It moves to southeast in dry years, and to northwest in humid years.

The spatial patterns of precipitation in different year

Variation of annual precipitation in representative stations in wind-water complex erosion region

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